The Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana & Una Voce, Part II
An update for everyone...
There is currently a verbal agreement among a number of people to found an Una Voce chapter within the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana. We have had initial communication with Una Voce America on the requirements to do so.
While no timetable is in place at the moment, the expectation is that we will move quickly to get something in place before year's end, if not sooner.
Below is an open letter, intended to reach out to all those Catholics within the Diocese of Lafayette, from Carmel to Kokomo and from Monticello to Muncie, who are interested in joining with us.
A list of parishes within the diocese can be found here.
Specifically, we would like to hear from anyone at St. Mary's in Muncie, as we know you have been "fighting the good fight" for some time now.
I'd like to once again advocate the founding of an Una Voce chapter for our diocese.
Rather than going into a long narrative, I'd ask everyone to consider the following advantages to founding an Una Voce chapter:
- Founded in 1964, Una Voce is the oldest Catholic lay organization advocating the traditional Mass and sacraments.
- Una Voce has member organizations on six continents, including more than 60 chapters in the United States.
- Una Voce America recently implemented a priest training program in cooperation with the Fraternity of St. Peter to teach priests the Extraordinary form, which has been "sold out" for each session they've held.
- A low financial and organizational barrier to entry. A mere $50 fee to establish the chapter (taken from the collected membership fees as established by the board) and align with the national organization. Membership fees and chapter meeting times are established and scheduled at the discretion of the board/members. We can establish a new chapter with less than ten members if necessary.
- Instant "legitimacy". By that I mean, Una Voce is an internationally recognized and respected lay organization that has long-existing contacts with many local ordinaries in our region, with members of the Roman Curia and even the Holy Father himself. Taking a more novel organizational approach towards acquiring what are now our canonical rights according to Summorum Pontificum will likely require a more arduous financial and public relations effort on our part...and may meet with even more skepticism from our diocese than we're already facing.
- The ability to coordinate our efforts with other like-minded Catholics in our diocese.
I'd ask anyone interested in joining us, "getting in on the ground floor" so to speak, contact us at the email address below:

(unavoce @ -- please remove the blank spaces around the @ sign, which I've included in an attempt to thwart spammers)
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