Lenten Reflection #1
Many people tend to see Lent as the spiritual "playoffs" in their lives. That is, they strive to be on their best behavior and commit to one or more specific sacrifices, often culinary, in an effort to take their spiritual life to "the next level" just as an athletic team attempts to limit mistakes and peak once the championship is on the line.
Truly, Easter is the "Super Bowl" of Christianity. No greater victory has or can ever be won than Christ's victory over death on Golgotha.
"You were also crucified, O Christ, our God, and by death have trampled death, being one of the Holy Trinity, and glorified with the Father and the Holy Spirit, save us." — Hymn of the Incarnation, Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
Rather than seeing Lent as the end, the culmination of our spiritual lives, we should treat it rather as the beginning, a "spring training" to prepare ourselves for the year ahead. Just as a baseball player who wants to "make the team", takes inventory of his skills and shortcomings before each season, now is the time to note our faults, to work to improve them, to push ourselves to imitate the King of Glory for the year ahead and forever.
The Jesus Prayer is an excellent way to start this internal reflection.