Wednesday, October 24

Dicit ei Pilatus: quid est veritas?

"In the judgment of Fr. Rosa – and of Pius X – modernism was "a new form of Christianity that threatened to overwhelm the ancient one." To oppose it, it had to be struck at its philosophical root, the error from which sprung all the other errors in theology, morality, culture, and practical life. The fundamental error attributed to the modernists was that of denying the capacity of reason to know the truth, thereby reducing everything – including religion, and including Christianity – to subjective experience." (source)

Read Pascendi Dominici Gregis for yourself (English) at the Vatican website.

Saturday, October 20

Gregorian Chant Weekend Workshop in Kokomo!

I recently submitted my registration form for this exciting event and plan to provide updates and a review of the sessions as things progress.

Direct from the St. Patrick's (Kokomo, Indiana in the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana) parish bulletin:

The St. Patrick Schola is hosting a Gregorian Chant Workshop on Friday, November 9 and Saturday, November 10 in the parish hall. The presenter, Amy Zuberbueler, is Director of the Ward Center of San Antonio, whose mission is to teach the Solesmes Method of Gregorian Chant and Ward Method of Music Instruction. The workshop, which runs from 6:00 to 9:00 pm on November 9 and from 8:30 to 5:00 pm on Saturday, November 10, culminates with the 5:30 Vigil Mass, during which the participants will sing what they have learned. No musical training or experience is required, so please come join us for a fun-filled and educational weekend.

Registration brochures can be downloaded
from St. Patrick or St. Joan websites: www.stpatrickkokomo. org or The cost for the workshop is $80, which includes the Book, A Gregorian Chant Master Class by Dr. Theodore Maurier, a $30 value. Breakfast and lunch will be provided on Saturday.

For more information, email Maddalena Nelson at: maddalena.nelson @